Filming in Normandy

On the steps of the Calvary Cross, RV of the 9th Parachute Battalion following their assault on the Merville Gun Battery. D-Day, 6th June.

A couple of weeks ago I travelled out to Normandy to do some filming in the 6th Airborne Division’s area of operation. This was for a few episodes that will appear on WW2tv, a new venture of top battlefield guide, Paul Woodadge. We filmed at various locations such as Pegasus Bridge, DZ ‘N’ at Ranville, the Churchyard Cemetery, Ranville Cemetery itself, and Amfreville amongst others. Some of the locations and indeed the related actions will never have been seen on screen before. Here’s the link to Paul’s War History Online article which explains his intentions for the channel in more detail.

Beside the grave of Lt Den Brotheridge in the Ranville Churchyard Cemetery.
Filming at the graves of the Eckert brothers, Cyril and Stan. Ranville Cemetery.