A Short Film Describing the actions around the Church at Le Port (the Northern end of Benouville, the village at the western end of Pegasus Bridge).
Following on from the first film, this next one describes the D-Day events in Le Port, the northern end of Benouville, the village that sits at the western end of Pegasus Bridge.
Following the successful Coup de Main operation to capture the bridges across the Caen Canal and River Orne, the men of four platoons of the 2nd Oxf and Bucks, the glider pilots and the Royal Engineers had formed a small bridgehead at the western end of the canal bridge. Their task then was to hold the bridge until the arrival of the 7th Parachute Battalion, which was dropping to the east on DZ ‘N’ at 0050 hours.
The 7th Parachute Battalion suffered from a scattered drop, but all those that could, gathered at the RV and headed for the bridge when the sounds of the armoured vehicle hit by Wagger Thornton’s PIAT bomb began exploding. The members of ‘B’ Company crossed the bridge and went into Le Port…..